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公司名称: 深圳市中伟粘扣带有限公司 
所在省份: 广东  
成立日期: 2017 
注册资金: 少于100万 
员工数量: 少于5人 
年销售额: 少于100万 
主要产品: 彩盒 坑盒 彩箱 礼品盒 瓦楞盒 手
工盒 异性盒
包装盒 展示架 纸箱 PU皮盒 上下盖礼盒
书型盒 展示盒
木盒 飞机盒 药盒 高档化妆品包装盒
密度板礼品盒 亚麻布锦盒 玩具包装盒
首饰盒 戒指盒 牛皮纸盒 翻盖盒 天
地盖盒 复古烫金抽屉盒 手镯珠宝盒
高档金属拉丝首饰盒 PVC盒 透明盒 PP
盒 PET盒 塑胶盒 彩箱
茶叶盒 普洱茶盒 绿茶盒 红茶盒 乌
龙茶盒 黑茶盒 黄茶盒
***盒 白酒盒 红酒盒 洋酒盒 葡
萄酒盒 纸质包装盒 圆柱盒
心形盒 八角盒 六角盒 皮绳蝴蝶结礼盒 小
饰品盒 烫金喜糖盒 通用包装盒
手机壳包装盒 丝袜彩盒 蝴蝶结  
公司简介: Materials: copper paper, white card paper,
grey board paper, kraft paper, special
paper, dumb powder paper, corrugated
paper, powder and grey paper
Thickness: 105gsm, 128gsm, 157gsm, 200gsm,
250gsm, 300gsm, 350gsm, 400gsm, etc
Surface treatment: overoiling / polishing
/ gilding / photoresist / SUV / bump;
Embossed, etc..
Features: light weight and exquisite
design, high-grade
Origin: shenzhen, China
Application: suitable for advertising and
promotion, clothing packaging, shopping,
advertising, gift packaging, food
packaging, exhibition, etc
Packing: plastic bag/carton packing, meet
export requirements
Term of delivery: depends on the specific
time and quantity of the order
Note: color box commonly used paper
(1).Copper paper:157g-350g(double-layer
mounting is available)
(2).White board paper:157g-450g(double-
layer mounting is available)
(3).white card paper:157g-400g(double-
layer mounting is available)
(4).kraft paper:120g-350g(double-layer
mounting is available)
(5) special paper: commonly used in
imported paper, mainly used for printing
handbags, gift box covers, decorations,
handicrafts and other high-quality
Specification: the size of the
specification is decided by the customer
himself, when the customer is custom-made,
just tell us the length, the height, the
width of the edge and the style we will be
tailored for you!
Printing: new four-color German
"Heidelberg" printing machine, CTP
automatic plate making system, mitsubishi
diamond 3000 twin-open four-color printing
machine, etc., guarantee the quality
Style: the company provides a wide range
of styles for customers reference and
After the carton processing can be
optional: compound film (bright film,
subfilm), bronzing (various colors plus
laser) concave and convex, local UV,
multi-layer on the mounting, refractive,
embossing, window paste transparent
material, paste box.
Please note: there is no limit to the
quantity. The m 
深圳市中伟粘扣带有限公司 / 广东 / 深圳龙岗商会大厦7楼 (518116) / 电话:84657787


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